West Wind Solano Drive-in

The West Wind Solano Drive-In is a renowned family-owned drive-in theater located in Concord, California. With a rich history dating back to 1952, it is part of the largest drive-in theater chain in the world. Featuring a perfect blend of nostalgic charm and cutting-edge technology, it offers a relaxed atmosphere for families to enjoy activities like playing games or exploring the play structure before settling in for a truly unique movie experience on their enormous screens.

  • 1611 Solano Way Concord, CA 94520
  • 925-825-1951

Key Details & Theater Information

Current Theater Status Open
Always Open? True
Ticket Price $7.95 Adults, $1.25 Kids
Ways to Pay Credit cards accepted
Number of Screens 2
Max Audience Capacity 800
Bring Your Own Snacks? None needed
Outside Snacks Allowed? Allowed
Can You Bring Booze? Not allowed
Are Pets Welcome? Allowed
Digital Projection? True